Right for BC - a Concept as well as a Name.
Determining BC's Future
Very few BC Constituents currently are aware that the current Provincial Political Parties have, in great measure, collectively & individually abrogated their responsibilities to Citizens & Residents by embracing & accepting a form of Federal control over many areas of responsibility that are clearly defined as Provincial in nature & scope in Canada's original BNA Act & Constitutional revisions. The result is that Confederation, as originally envisioned & defined , has been quietly turned into a Federation of Provinces, with the Federal Government conducting oversight & administration over many aspects of our daily lives that should rightly, legally & ethically, be empowered to members of BC's own legislature. Our next door neighbour Alberta has recently passed the Sovereignty Act allowing MLA's to debate & ultimately deny Federal overreach. We must do the same but first, we must educate, & consult with, BC Constituents to demonstrate the benefits of regaining our own sovereignty.